Site icon Mountain Biking in Halmstad

Weekly Ride Single Pass

Weekly Ride
Welcome to our 2024 weekly group ride. We’re starting early in the season to help you get out on your bike, or rent one of ours!
Each tour will begin at 9 – 11 am on Sunday at Torvsjön parkering in Skedalaskog, Halmstad. The route will be mixed and change to match the character of the group, people’s ambition, and the weather. The rides will be beginner-friendly, and we always move at the speed of the slowest member.
Training and technique tips will be provided, if you would like. Our guide will always have a first aid kit, and keep an eye on group members, so that no one is being pushed into the danger zone.
Early season rides will involve a mix of gravel and trail.
Cost 200 kr for guided ride (there will always be coffee at the end of the ride) or 1500 kr for a ten ride pass. You can pay online, with card, or use your friskvårdbidrag! Fitness, baby!
Everyone is welcome, vi kan också använda svenska om du vill.
Bikes: You are going to need a mountain bike, that means wide, grippy tires, suspension at the front at least, and disc brakes.
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